Our institute is devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of neuroimmunological diseases, that is, autoimmune disorders of the nervous system. In autoimmune diseases, the immune system “erroneously” attacks the body´s own tissues. By far the most frequent of these diseases is multiple sclerosis.
The Institute of Clinical Neuroimmunology was founded in 1999 as the first university institute in Germany focusing on neuroimmunological diseases. In close association with the LMU Department of Neurology, we are treating patients with multiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders including MOG-antibody associated diseases, autoimmune encephalitis, paraneoplastic autoimmune diseases, myasthenia gravis, and other neurological autoimmune diseases as well as autoinflammatory diseases in our outpatient clinic at the university hospital
In addition to clinical studies of disease management and diagnosis (Gerdes Lab, Havla Lab, Kümpfel Lab) our main focus is on research into the causes and mechanisms of these disorders. As part of the LMU Biomedical Center we are trying to better understand the mechanisms that are responsible for the induction of CNS autoimmunity in patients (Dornmair Lab and Meinl Lab) and disease models (Kawakami Lab and Peters Lab), the way neuroinflammatory lesions are shaped by the interactions of immune cells with the CNS environment (Kerschensteiner Lab) and the response strategies of neurons and their circuits to inflammatory, traumatic and degenerative injuries (Bareyre Lab and Liebscher Lab).
The common goal of our work is to improve our capabilities to diagnose, monitor and treat patients suffering from neuroimmunological disease.
Sincerely yours,
Martin Kerschensteiner
Institute Director
Group leader

Florence Bareyre, PhD
Bareyre Lab | Send Email

Naoto Kawakami, PhD
Kawakami Lab | Send Email

Tania Kümpfel, MD
Kümpfel Lab | Send Email

Sabine Liebscher, MD PhD
Liebscher Lab | Send Email

Edgar Meinl, MD
Meinl Lab | Send Email

Anneli Peters, PhD
Peters Lab | Send Email

Lisa Gerdes, MD
Gerdes Lab | Send Email

Joachim Havla, MD
Havla Lab | Send Email

Simone Mader, PhD
Mader Lab | Send Email

Franziska Thaler, MD
Thaler Lab | Send Email
Emeriti Professors and group leaders

Prof. Reinhard Hohlfeld, MD

Prof. Hartmut Wekerle, MD

Klaus Dornmair, PhD
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